Movies featuring stavros-paravas

Alice in the Navy

10 Days in Paris

And All 14 Were Wonderful!

The Tough Guy With the Tricycle

Another One for the Million

Young and old in action...

Ο Παλιάτσος

A Patented Stupid Man

O thymios tahei 400

Fifis the Unbeatable

Ο Γαμπρός Μου, Ο Δικηγόρος!

Taste from Greece

Είσαι Στην ΕΟΚ, Μάθε Για Την ΕΟΚ

Ο Σταύρος είναι πονηρός

Ο παιχνιδιάρης

Women want beat

Eftyhos... trellathika!

The child of the square